Saturday, February 20, 2010

Money is the root of all evil.

I hate money. Well okay, I don't hate it. I hate that it controls what you do. There's never enough, and when there is enough something is sure to happen to make it disappear. Everything has payments, interest rates, or just plain costs an outlandish amount. Oh, you'd like to buy that? We'll let you have it for low monthly payments but charge you 26% interest on the remaining balance each month. Kinda makes you think about what you really need.

I'm just generally talking here...I had money on my mind this morning. I crunch numbers. It's what I do. It's what school has taught me. Finance. A couple of buttons pushed and I can tell you how long you'll be in debt and how much money you'll need to make before you can save any. I like numbers. Graduation is upon me this fall, and opening my student loan statements I almost choked on my drink. I knew school was expensive, but my debt is up there. To the point that I could have bought a couple of REALLY NICE cars. OR even almost bought a house. It's disgusting how much I owe for wanting a higher education.

I went back to school to better myself, and give myself and Jesse a better life. Along the bumpy road Doug joined our journey, and now we've added Bailey to it. It's been a long ride, a little rough at times, but I am finally almost done. I can't believe it. In 7 months I will have 2 college degrees. It makes me smile on the inside, even if I owe Uncle Sam alot of money. I did what most people thought I could not. I was a single mom going to school and working. "she won't finish. She'll quit" I heard alot of that. And alot of the time it was hard. Still is actually. 7 classes to go and I do have weeks where I struggle to get homework done.

In the end its all worth it. I did what almost nobody thought I could do, even myself at times. But still...Money is the root of all evil.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When there's nothing left to say

The job front is going well, although my daily 2 hour one way commute is really starting to get to me. I still haven't seen an expense check for my mileage compensation, and my bank account is hurting because of it. I mean, I spend on average 250.00 a week in gas. Sad to say that at least last week I was sick and only went in 2 days. This week is working out the same way, so hopefully it will show up by friday. I know I need it....for my gas tank. gross.

I'm starting to really despise New England. Maybe it's the crappy winter with the ass ton of snow we have. I miss home, but then I think of the rain and I don't miss it so much. I miss the south. I miss the sunshine everyday. I miss the happy nice people everywhere, the sandy beaches, palm trees, and the warm weather. I miss the cheapness of everything too. The northeast is full of angry, snobby, rude people who for the most part have quite a bit of money. They live in their large houses that overlook the river, or ocean and drive Volvos, BMW's, and the like. They snub you on the freeway and act like they own the road just because of what their in. Whatever. It gives me the worst road rage. Don't turn your nose up at me just because your in a Volvo and I'm in a Durango. My Durango will kick your Volvo's ASS! I like my soccer mom SUV thanks.

Bailey is getting quite the attitude. She's so funny and when she gets sassy its really hard to not laugh so she thinks she's being cute and funny. It seems like she's saying a new word everyday, and I look back to how fast she's grown up this year. She's a walking, talking, mini-me. In a few years I'm sure the freckles will sprinkle across her nose and then there will be no mistaken it. ;)

So maybe when there's nothing left to say...just smile.