Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You ever have one of those days...

You just feel like screaming? I'm having one of those days. I go stir crazy sometimes being home all day. I'm starting to miss work. I miss well I should say ALMOST miss have a 9-5 job and coming home being so excited to be home. I think it's the rain. I love my kids more than anything and I am so blessed to stay home with them, but I still miss work. Does this make me a bad mother? Sometimes I feel like a bad mom because I just want to escape for a few hours. I miss the extra money too...

Could be with the holidays upon us, I just want everything perfect like always. Then I look at my student loans and panic. Granted, I don't have to pay on them until 6 months after graduation...that date is creeping up on me and then what? I really hope that by then I will have found a good job and paying them off won't be a big deal. Who knew that wanting a higher education would be so dam expensive. It's ridiculous really. When you think about it, how am I ever going to send my kids to school? My parents never set up a college fund for me or my brother, and I don't have any problem with that. So many times I see parents put their kids through school, to see the kids party it away. I didn't go back to school until I knew what I wanted to do. Financial Analyst? I know it sounds way boring, but trust me, I find that shit intriguing. It's fun. I like to analyze things, could be my OCD personality. But with a degree in finance I should be able to do alot of things. Of course with the economy in the sewer who knows where I'll end up career wise.

Anyway, today is one of those days. a day where I just feel like ripping out my hair.


  1. Your not a bad mom for wanting to work. You need a break in your day to miss and appreciate your kids more!

    Plus, having money you earned is always satisfying ;-)

  2. I understand the feeling Steph. So happy for you that you found something that intrigues you. I wish I at least had that. School is calling me, but i have no clue what road to take...
