Friday, January 15, 2010

Is January really almost over?

I haven't had any motivation to blog. I actually haven't had much motivation to do anything. The holidays this year were really tough for me. Every year away from home is tough, but this year just felt different. I didn't have Christmas spirit. However, you would never know it. I put on my big girl panties and dealt with it. Seeing the magic of the season through the eyes of my children made everything better. Jesse even left Santa a note this year with his cookies.

Bailey turned 1 almost a month ago, she's just growing so fast! I can't believe that its already been a year since she was born. She's still a little peanut, but smarter than some adults I know. HAHA!! She's starting to hit that "fearless" stage where nothing can scare her. And as I prepare to re-enter the workforce on monday, I'm terrified to leave her. For the next month I have to make a 2 hour commute to work, meaning I will leave the house before she gets up, and get home as she's about ready to go to bed. Sure, it's only 6 weeks but still!! I know I'll adjust but having spent everyday with her since she was born it's going to be tough on me. She'll be fine I know. She's my little social butterfly who loves most anyone. She doesn't really seem to have seperation anxiety, although that may change when she doesn't see me all day long.

Jesse will be 8 next month. 8!?!? Seriously where does time go? It seems he was just a toddler, and now he's already acting like he's a teenager. Karate keeps him focused, and he'll be starting baseball this year too. He's such a good big brother. He loves Bailey and they have really bonded. She squeals when he comes home from school, and he's to her rescue when she falls down. Now I know this will all change when she's about 4 and driving him nuts. For now I cherish these moments.

So yes, I did find a job. More so, the job found me. They are building a Jared jewlery store not too far from our house, and on a whim I figured I'd hop online and apply. Anyone out there job hunting knows how hard it is to find a job these days. The very next day I got a phone call from the manager stating he had the perfect position for me. Really? So I made my trek to Boston, a lovely 2 hour drive for an interview. Walking in to what I thought was an interview, little did I know I already had the job. How does that even happen? My resume knocked their socks off! I was floored to hear that. Having sent my resume out to a bajillion different prospects. All it takes is one I guess. So, I'm told I'm going to be the IC Manager of the store. What is that exactly? In other words, I'm responsible for all of the money, and jewlery in the entire store. They've even equipped me with my very own office! Now, I've never had my own office. Im' excited, and while the pay isn't exactly what I wanted it's a good starting point. So, for the next 5 weeks I get to keep making that trek to Boston everyday for training. What's better is that their sending me to Ohio ( I know of all places!) to their headquarters to pick out ALL of the jewlery for the store. Company paid, 4 day kid free vacation.

Sounds good, what's the catch? I have to get on an airplane. Anyone who knows me, knows I have this immense fear of flying. In fact, I haven't flown in 8 years. Jesse was 8 months old the last time I was on a plane. It's a short 2 hour flight, and I know I'll be fine. Mind over matter right? It will be a good experience, and I get paid for a full week when we'll only be working a few short hours a day.

Ok, I think I'm caught up now. Time get dressed, it's mommy-Bailey day. I'm seriously having a rough time thinking about being gone all day.

1 comment:

  1. I have some valium if you need it ;-)

    You'll do fine. AND if it gets rough, you always have ME in Boston to keep you grounded, hey what's a BFF for?

